Monday, December 22, 2008

FERC Filing

This should appear on the docket tomorrow. Thanks to Mike G for taking the pics. What a mess we have out here and in Franklin County. More later.

December 14, 2008

Kimberly D. Bose,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

888 First Street NE, Room 1A

Washington , DC 20426

Re: Docket CP07-208-000 Rockies Express,

Dear Ms. Bose:

Now that FERC has allowed
REX to construct their pipeline, and REX is actually speeding up and down our roads all day long, it would seem that you would want to keep track of how the project is going on the ground in Decatur and Franklin counties in Indiana. I received this email today from a citizen of Franklin County who is retired from the Indiana Natural Resources Commission. He knows the environmental consequences of the erosion taking place in our area due to REX’s land clearing efforts.

I am pasting his email here and attached some pictures he sent with it. These photos were taken from Wolf Creek Road, west of Fore’s Hill Road, and from Fore’s Hill Road itself, all in Franklin County. He asked me to inform the FERC what is happening out here, so I am accommodating him. I can say, our area of Decatur County looks much the same as these photos depict, but you should be able to get the drift of what is happening from his emails and photos.

“Here are some of the 15 photos I took earlier today (14, December, 2008) in Franklin County . The straw bales appear to be the only feeble attempt to do "something" about erosion. It didn't work. Notice that there are no silt fences protecting the creeks, no mulching whatsoever is present on these very steep slopes. This is a prime example of REX's lack of concern for the land, the waters, and natural resources in general. For the governmental entities to not demand Rex control erosion created by their actions is appalling. I am losing faith in "laws to protect us." What good are they if they won't be enforced. A person building a home on one acre of relatively flat land will be denied a building permit if they don't comply with the very laws Rex is ignoring. Rex can afford to install adequate erosion control measures. They should be fined heavily and daily, till such adequate erosion control measures are implemented. It can be easily proven on paper that excessive erosion will occur from these sites. NRCS offices in all counties can prove it. IDNR Division of Soil Conservation is also capable of producing these figures....It's time someone holds Rex accountable for their lack of action on this matter. Mike Gribben (Retired NRCS)”

I know FERC doesn’t care about this situation and you won’t do anything, but at least the record will show that you were advised what was going on. This is an environmental disaster in the making, as you have been told all along by the many landowners, stakeholders and elected representatives who have written to you over the last two and a half years. FERC still chose to allow the poorly designed route through our area and into Ohio , and now the onus is on you to justify your decisions.

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