Sunday, December 28, 2008

Watching An Environmental Disaster In The Making

The Rockies Express (REX) East pipeline right of way clearing has been going on for several weeks. The REX contractors took off for Christmas and left us with this mess which we discovered today, December 28, 2008. These photos were shot in western Franklin County (Indiana) less than a mile from my home. The location is just north of Snake Road, along a creek that is known to be prone to extreme flooding conditions. You can't see any of the 42" pipe yet, but the erosion is apparent. Note especially the "porta potty" sitting in the rain-made pool. Also, if you observe the pictures showing the ROW clearing coming down the hill (looking West), you can see the erosion ruts already. No effort to control the erosion appears in these pictures, such as straw on the hillside or effective barriers. So, as REX prepares to cut through the creek to lay their pipe, more damage will occur.

Due to the highly erodible, sandy nature of soil in this area of Indiana, the pipe will be subject to nature's ferocity when the normal Spring, Summer and Fall rainfalls swell the creeks and overflow the banks.

All of this information was provided to the FERC earlier, but it fell on deaf ears. REX's real problems will start after they bury their pipe. They have not studied the flooding history in this area, nor do they have any known plans to compensate for it. But, the gas will flow and they will make their money regardless!

REX equipment along ROW

The Creek Looking North

A Few Feet Farther North

Portable Potty in the Construction Area

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