Monday, December 22, 2008

Promises Promises

Since everyone is ready to be graced with the presence of Rockies Express, LLC, you will probably be interested in how well they did a portion of their work in Nebraska on REX West. This link is to a TV report from station KHAS in Hastings, NE. Be sure to play the video to see how well the "restored" and cleaned up on Mr. Sack's property. Lessons to be learned to apply here!

Blue Hill man not satisified with promises made to restore his land

(9/21/08) By Adam Lefkoe - The Rockies Express Pipeline West carries natural gas from Missouri to Colorado.

Everything seems to be fine underground but an area resident is upset with what is happening above it.

42 inch pipes, running right through Robert Sack's property.

“We are basically sitting on top of their pipe,” said Robert Sack of Blue Hill.

He says the pipe is not the problem; it is above ground that concerns him.

“That is not grass. They just basically pushed dirt in a hole and ran over it once with a bulldozer and said they were all done,” said Sack.

The project has been complete for almost a year. Before construction, Sack said the company that built the pipeline made promises to restore his land.

All Sack has seen is enormous weeds and severe erosion.

“And it is just about to my knees.

“They did not do anything correct. Makes you wonder if they are ever going to get it back to where it belongs,” said Sack.

Sack has kept every payment since construction began...

“That brings it close to $7,000 for just the fencing,” he said.

He said the company did pay to restore his land; it was just done poorly.

“I would like to see them do exactly what they promised,” said Sack.

He says ruined soil and cheap fences were not a part of that pledge.

“It is rotten,” he said.

Sack has had his land surveyed by numerous agencies. Soil issues alone would cost more him than $200,000.

“It is kind of heartbreaking because I spent my whole life here,” said Sack.

Sack has a meeting with pipeline officials next week. He hopes they will understand his problems and give him some honest answers.

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