Friday, December 26, 2008

US Forest Service to clear way for pipeline

Ms. Harwood brings up a valid point, "Why should we allow an energy company special treatment?" The unfortunate answer is that the federal government passed a law called the Natural Gas Act of 1938 that gives companies who transport natural gas special legal status, including the right to use Eminent Domain, to acquire the rights of way to build their pipelines. This power does not extend even to oil transportation companies, only those transporting natural gas. So, if the Oregonians try to fight this on the basis that a private company should not be allowed to run a pipeline through government property, they will run afoul of a body of well established law that states they have the right to do it. Their only hope is to raise political awareness NOW before the Palomar proponents submit a pre-application to FERC for a preliminary determination of the environmental acceptability of the general path of the pipeline. If it gets to the pre-filing stage at FERC, the battle will more than likely be lost! I cannot emphasize this too much, FERC is tasked with paving the way for, not stopping, natural gas pipeline projects. If FERC does there approval, the U.S. Forest Service will fall into line.
The new administration in Washington, and most environmental groups, think a natural gas pipeline is a better alternative than coal or oil sources of supply, so they will not oppose it.
Palomar needs to know now that the the Oregon federal congress members, House and Senate, oppose the path through Mount Hood. A pipeline right of way 47 miles long, and 120 feet wide, means a huge swath of forest will be decimated. The permanent easement will probably be 50 feet wide, but all old growth trees will be gone, 70 feet will be replanted, and 50 feet will be barren forever! Build the coalition now or all will be lost!

12/25/2008, 3:09 p.m. PST
The Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The U.S. Forest Service plans to alter its environmental standards to allow a proposed $800 million natural gas pipeline to run through 47 miles of Mount Hood National Forest.

The proposed Palomar pipeline would require opening a path measuring 120 feet wide. The path would stretch through forest areas that have been protected from clear-cutting and other disturbances under the department's management plans.
The Forest Service would also have to revise other rules, such as limiting cutting around Wild and Scenic Clackamas River, spotted owl habitats and recreational areas.

The pipeline is a joint venture of Northwest Natural Gas Co. and TransCanada Corp. Construction is scheduled to start in November 2011.
If approved, it will feed into a natural gas network east of the Cascades and extend across 217 miles.

Supporters of the project say it would provide a much-needed alternative to a natural gas pipeline running through the Columbia River Gorge and into the Willamette Valley.

Natural gas is a resource that could ease potential petroleum shortages and provide an alternative to coal, which generates about 40 percent of the electricity used in Oregon, Palomar spokesman David Dodson said.

"We support renewable energy, but natural gas will have to be part of the mix," Dodson said.

Opponents of the project argue portions of the forest would be lost, and if a pipeline should be built at all, it should be closer aligned with existing roads.
"If this was a timber sale, it would be illegal," said Amy Harwood, program director for conservation group Bark, which advocates preserving forests surrounding Mount Hood. "Why should we allow an energy company special treatment?"

Once the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which has authority over the project, decides whether to allow the project to proceed, the Forest Service will begin deciding the specific changes it will make to its management plans.

FERC spokeswoman Tamara Young-Allen said the agency approves most pipeline proposals, and tends to focus on requirements companies must meet to mitigate environmental damage. The agency will likely evaluate the project within the next 12 months.
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